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We started getting the itch to get back outdoors and decided to officially start off our 2018 camping season and wow, was it chilly!  This was a camping trip of many firsts for our family.  It was the first time to camp in below freezing and even negative temperatures (lows reaching -2°), was the first official trip for our 9 week old baby girl, Kaylee (which we may have gone overboard with packing up the truck), and was the first trip to just stay at camp and not wheel (didn’t want to push the limits with our baby quite yet).


We were dispersed camping on a friend's property about 4 hours from home on the edge of the Nicolet National Forest, so running back home for something forgotten was not an option.  The property was at the base of Thunder Mountain and offered an awesome view of the mountain.  It also had its own little offroad course that you could try and maneuver through obstacles or check out your flex.  The snow and icy conditions made it a bit interesting as we watched the jeeps try to master some of the obstacles.   We thoroughly went through the truck and camper to make sure everything was in good working order.  Topped off all of the batteries and filled up the propane bottles for the camper.  We have never camped in temperatures as cold as what was forecasted so we even brought along a buddy heater and additional propane for it as backup since a loss of heat in the middle of nowhere could turn into a real emergency with an infant on board.


After a giant game of Tetris, we got everything packed and hit the road.  All of the “what if’s” and “should haves” plagued our minds as we put the first few miles behind us. This was also the longest road trip we had taken Kaylee on and we were a bit apprehensive about it.  As we got closer to the Nicolet National Forest, you could feel the temperatures dropping and our excitement rising.  We pulled into camp without so much as a peep from Kaylee the whole ride up.  We were both excited to finally be able to share our love of the outdoors with her!   We set up camp and set the thermostat to 70 in the camper and explored the area around us.  That evening we made delicious beef and mozzarella sandwiches for dinner and as the temps dropped to the negatives we took shifts around the campfire visiting with friends.

Morning came with a light snow and feeling very well rested as this was the first time Kaylee had slept through the whole night!  The batteries for the camper got a little low overnight with the heater kicking on and off so we plugged the camper into the trucks power inverter and let it run for a bit to top off the batteries as we made breakfast.  It seems like every meal cooked in camp is especially delicious and the chorizo and eggs was no disappointment.  With our bellies full it was now time to set off on Kaylee’s first hike in the snow-covered woods, while everyone else went wheeling.  Halfway into our hike we came across a trail by the name of KAYLEE’S PASS.  That was a totally unexpected and a welcomed surprise…naturally, we had to stop for a photo op.  The snowfall started to pick back up so we decided not to push our luck and get Kaylee back to the warmth of the camper.  The rest of the day was spent playing in the snow and enjoying each other’s company.  There were only a few souls brave enough to conquer the freezing temperatures and for those that did they were in for a treat!  We made some yummy chicken curry and rice for dinner.



The next morning, we broke down camp as we cooked breakfast hash minus the hashbrowns due to an untimely accident with the ground and a certain person who won’t be named ;).  We stuck to our leave no trace motto of pack it in-pack it out and leave it better than how you find it style of camping.  In the end, this was a much-needed trip that we will remember for years to come spending time around the campfire with old friends and meeting new ones.  The comradery and friendship that you create in the overland and off-road community are something to always cherish and remember.  


If we could offer up one tip for camping with an infant, it would be to just go for it!  Don’t keep putting it off, get your little ones out and start ’em early.


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